Went for my second lesson with Drew. I was more calm this time. We had to taxi all the way to runway 19, so I got quite a bit more practice staying in the middle of the taxiway. Getting better. This time he added climbing and decending turns to the program. It went pretty well. I just have to remember to set the attitude and periodically glance at the instruments to verify. Not too bad at all.
We next tried a little speed control. Last time we cruised around at about 2300 RPM. This time we droped down to 21 and lost about 10 knots. Down to 20 dropped another 10 knots. OK, going slow required more back elevator during turns, and a lot more for climbing turns. You can see were this is going. We’ll be doing slow flight and maybe start on power-off stalls next time.
I got an introduction to flying the pattern this time. I descended down to pattern attitude and entered on the down wind. Turning to base was easy enough. Drew took over for the turn to final and we went on in.
This was also my introduction to the radio. I did the talking to ground control and Drew did the tower. At least I didn’t embarrass myself, though my readbacks were a little too sloppy. I’ll do better next time.
At this point it really seems to take a lot of consentration. It felt fine while flying, but when we got back to the office I was just wiped out. All I wanted to do was go find a bed for a nice long nap. I’m sure my productivity the rest of the day was just about zero. But boy is this fun!