Battle of the tip ribs

October 4th, 2008

I fought with the HS tip ribs for several hours and after a couple emails to Van’s determined that I was the proud owner of three vertical stabilizer tip ribs!  Ken said they had accidentally  sent out some mislabeled ribs and sent me a couple replacements.  What a great guy!  Ask, and ye shall receive!

They came in today, so I could finally get back into action.  I didn’t take a picture, but Mr. Kim said he approved.

And now for the left rib and spar

September 27th, 2008

Next was the left side ribs. Painful having to repeat steps, but at least Jasmine provided some moral support.

Also prep’d the new left front spar.

Ya, I’m the fat guy doing the work.

Some finished ribs and spars

New Ribs

September 26th, 2008

Prep’d, installed, and match drilled the new right main ribs.

Bad Ribs

September 19th, 2008

Fit the HS-404 and HS-405 ribs.  Drilling didn’t go well.  I already didn’t like the way they looked and this was just too much.  Ordered some new ribs!

Skinning the horizontal stabilizer

September 18th, 2008

Put the skin on the horizontal stabilizer for the first time.